Member Directory
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North Carolina
Jud Kenworthy
NC Steering Committee Representative
Marine Scientist at Albemarle Pamlico National Estuary Partnership & University of NC Wilmington (UNCW), located in Beaufort, NC. Jud’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, advocacy, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Stacy Zhang
NC Steering Committee Representative
Assistant Professor at NC State University, located in Raleigh, NC. Stacy’s areas of expertise are restoration, community science, monitoring, living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Jacob Boyd
Salt Marsh Program Director at North Carolina Coastal Federation, located in Newport, NC. Jacob’s areas of expertise are in water quality, restoration, monitoring, living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, advocacy, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Michelle Brodeur
Marine Fisheries Biologist at NC Division of Marine Fisheries (NC DEQ) located in Morehead City, NC. Michelle’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, living shorelines, and seagrass.
Anne Deaton
Marine Habitat Resource Specialist at NOAA, located in Charleston, SC. Anne’s areas of expertise are monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Charlie Deaton
Works at NC DEQ, Division of Marine Fisheries, located in Morehead City, NC.
Tim Ellis
Ecologist at Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership, located in Raleigh, NC. Tim’s areas of expertise are water quality, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, brackish SAV, seagrass, and fisheries habitat ecology.
Joel Fodrie
Professor at UNC-CH (IMS), located in Morehead City, NC. Joel’s areas of expertise are living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, seagrass, and ecosystem services (esp habitat function).
Rachel Gittman
Assistant Professor at East Carolina University, located in Greenville, NC. Rachel’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, mitigation, living shorelines, and seagrass.
Jessie Jarvis
Associate Professor at University of North Carolina Wilmington, located in Wilmington, NC. Jessie’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Madison Lytle
PhD Student at UNC - Wilmington, located in Wilmington, NC. Madison’s areas of expertise are seagrass and remote sensing.
Tyler O'Keefe
PhD Candidate at UNC-Chapel Hill Institute of Marine Sciences located in Morehead City, NC. Tyler’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, seagrass, estuarine biogeochemistry, and coastal food webs.
Erin Shields
VA Steering Committee Representative
Assistant Research Scientist at CBNERR-VA/Virginia Institute of Marine Science, located in Gloucester Point, VA. Erin’s areas of expertise are water quality, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Sara Sweeten
VA Steering Committee Representative
Research Scientist at Virginia Tech, located in Blacksburg, VA. Sara’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, freshwater SAV, and Vallisneria.
Matt Balazik
Coastal Ecologist at ERDC located in Charles City, VA. Matt’s areas of expertise are in water quality, restoration, monitoring, living shorelines, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Alex Bijak
Postdoc at Virginia Institute of Marine Science located in Gloucester Point, VA. Alex’s areas of expertise are in seagrass and carbon cycling.
Alyson Hall
Ph.D. Student at Virginia Institute of Marine Science, located in Gloucester, VA. Alyson’s areas of expertise are restoration, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Simen Kaalstad
Director for the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, located in Arlington, VA. Simen’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, mitigation, and advocacy.
David L. O'Brien
Fisheries biologist at NOAA Fisheries Service, located in Gloucester Point, VA. David’s areas of expertise are in mitigation, living shorelines, and seagrass.
Chris Patrick
Associate Professor; Director, SAV Restoration & Monitoring Program at Virginia Institute of Marine Science, located in Gloucester Point, VA. Chris’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, mitigation, aquaculture and SAV interactions, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, seagrass, and Community Ecology/Fauna within SAV Meadows & Ecosystem Processes.
Erin Reilly
Restoration coordinator at Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve-VA, located in. Erin’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, community science, monitoring, living shorelines, advocacy, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
David Wilcox
GIS Project Manager at Virginia Institute of Marine Science - College of William & Mary, located in Gloucester Point, VA. David’s areas of expertise are monitoring, freshwater SAV, and seagrass.
District of Columbia
Aaron Kornbluth
Founder/Owner of Akorn Environmental Consultants, an Environmental Consulting firm located in Washington, D.C. Aaron’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, advocacy, and community science.
Becky Swerida
MD Steering Committee Representative
Stewardship Coordinator at Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, and Maryland Department of Natural Resources located in Annapolis, MD. Becky’s areas of expertise are restoration, community science, monitoring, living shorelines with freshwater SAV and brackish SAV.
Elle Bassett
South, West, and Rhode Riverkeeper at Arundel Rivers Federation, located in Edgewater Maryland. Elle’s areas of expertise are in water quality, restoration, community science, monitoring, living shorelines, advocacy, brackish SAV, and environmental education.
James Duffy
Naturalist at Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks, located in Middle River, MD. James areas of expertise are community science, advocacy, brackish SAV, and legal and regulatory management of SAV.
Brooke Eckert
Program and Communications Coordinator at Maryland Coastal Bays Program, located in Berlin, MD. Brooke’s areas of expertise are in restoration, and community science.
Becky Golden
Marine Habitat Resource Specialist at NOAA Fisheries, located in Annapolis, MD. Becky’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, mitigation, living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, with freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, seagrass, and Environmental Review.
Cassie Gurbisz
Assistant Professor in the Environmental Studies Program at St. Mary's College of Maryland located in St. Mary’s City, MD. Cassie’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, and seagrasses.
Stephanie Hall
Natural Resource Biologist at Maryland Department of Natural Resources located in Annapolis, MD. Stephanie’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, freshwater SAV, and brackish SAV.
Paige Hobaugh
Environmental Scientist at Tetra Tech located in Baltimore, MD. Paige’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, and mitigation.
Morgan Jones
Data Analyst at KCI Technologies, an Environmental Consulting firm located in Sparks, MD. Morgan’s areas of expertise are water quality, community science, data collection and management, geology.
Sarah Koser
Restoration Program Manager at the Chesapeake Bay Trust, located in Annapolis, MD. Sarah’s areas of expertise are in restoration, mitigation, living shorelines, freshwater SAV, and brackish SAV.
Brooke Landry
Living Resource Assessment Program Manager and SAV Ecologist at Maryland Department of Natural Resources; SAV Workgroup Chair at the Chesapeake Bay Program, both located in Annapolis, MD. Brooke’s areas of expertise are restoration, community science, monitoring, mitigation, advocacy, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, seagrass, and Natural Resource Management.
Jon Lefcheck
Research Scientist at University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, located in Annapolis, MD. Jon’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, community science, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Bob Murphy
Marine Ecologist at Tetra Tech Center for Ecological Science, located in Owings Mills, MD. Bob’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, mitigation, living shorelines, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, seagrass, and Fisheries.
Amy O'Donnell
Biologist at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service located in Annapolis, MD. Amy’s areas of expertise are in water quality, restoration, monitoring, living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and brackish SAV.
Kaitlin Scowen
Natural Resource Biologist at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources located in Annapolis, MD. Kaitlin’s areas of expertise are in outdoor education, monitoring, and community science with freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Carly Toulan
Environmental Scientist at Maryland Coastal Bays Program, located in Berlin, MD. Carly’s areas of expertise are in water quality, community science, monitoring, and saltmarshes.
Jonathan Watson
Marine Habitat Resource Specialist at NOAA Fisheries located in Annapolis, MD. Jonathan’s areas of expertise are in restoration, monitoring, mitigation, living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, regulatory and advocating for SAV habitat under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
Catherine Wazniak
Environmental Program Manager at Maryland Department of Natural Resources located in Annapolis, MD. Cathy’s areas of expertise are in water quality, monitoring, living shorelines, freshwater SAV and brackish SAV.
Kayla Clauson
DE Steering Committee Representative
Environmental Scientist at Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, located in Dover, Delaware. Kayla’s areas of expertise are community science, monitoring, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Taylor Hoffman
DE Steering Committee Representative
Science Coordinator at DE Center for the Inland Bays located in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Taylor’s area of expertise is in brackish SAV.
Mike Bott
Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Kelly Faller
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary located in Wilmington, DE. Kelly’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, and living shorelines.
Brittney Flaten
Environmental Scientist at Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control located in Dover, Delaware. Brittney’s areas of expertise are water quality, monitoring, living shorelines, and advocacy.
LeeAnn Haaf
Partnership for Delaware Estuary
Brittany Haywood
Coastal Ecology Specialist at Delaware Sea Grant located in Lewes, Delaware. Brittany’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, community science, monitoring, living shorelines, advocacy, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, seagrasses, and marine debris.
Jecy Klinkam
Partnership for Delaware Estuary
Leah Morgan
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary
Gabriella Vailati
Environmental Scientist at Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control located in Dover, Delaware. Gabriella’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, community science monitoring, and living shorelines.
Randy Brown
PA Steering Committee Representative
Aquatic Biologist at Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, located in Norristown, PA. Randy’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, mitigation, and living shorelines.
Megan Fitzgerald
Senior Wetland Specialist at the US EPA -Mid Atlantic Region, located in Philadelphia, PA. Megan's areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, mitigation, and living shorelines.
Todd Lutte
Environmental Protection Agency
Michael Mansolino
Life Scientist at the US Environmental Protection Agency Region 3, located in Philadelphia PA . Michael’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, mitigation, living shorelines, and freshwater SAV.
Kelly Somers
Senior Watershed Coordinator at the Environmental Protection Agency, located in Philadelphia, PA. Kelly’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, living shorelines, freshwater SAV, and brackish SAV.
New Jersey
Nina Colagiovanni
NJ Steering Committee Representative
Fisheries Biologist at New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, located in Port Republic, NJ. Nina’s area of expertise is seagrass.
Andrew McGowan
NJ Steering Committee Representative
Program Scientist at Barnegat Bay Partnership, located at Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ. Andrew’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Paul Bologna
Professor of Biology at Montclair State University, located in Montclair, NJ. Paul’s areas of expertise are in restoration, monitoring, mitigation, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Elizabeth Lacey
Associate Professor of Marine Science at Stockton University, located in Port Republic, NJ. Elizabeth’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, living shorelines, and seagrass.
New York
Cayla Sullivan
NY Steering Committee Representative
Life Scientist at U.S. EPA, Region 2, Long Island Sound Office, located in New York City, NY. Cayla’s areas of expertise are water quality, monitoring, seagrass and Watershed Management.
Brad Peterson
NY Steering Committee Representative
Professor of Marine Science at Stonybrook University, located in Southampton, NY. Brad’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, seagrass, and plant-animal interactions.
Della Campbell
NYS Seagrass Coordinator at New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, located in Kings Park, NY. Della’s areas of expertise are water quality, community science, monitoring, mitigation, advocacy, and seagrass.
Christina Pacella
Habitat Researcher at Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve located in Staatsburg, NY. Christina's areas of expertise are water quality, monitoring, freshwater SAV, and freshwater tidal wetlands.
Jamie Vaudrey
CT Steering Committee Representative
Research Coordinator at Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve, located in Groton, CT. Jamie’s areas of expertise are water quality, community science, monitoring, mitigation, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Torrance Hanley
Assistant Professor at Sacred Heart University, located in Fairfield, CT. Torrance’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, seagrass, and genetic diversity.
Matthew Leason
PhD Student at University of Connecticut, located in Groton, CT. Matthew’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, and seagrass.
Katie Lund
Training Coordinator at CT National Estuarine Research Reserve, located in Groton, CT. Katie’s areas of expertise are in seagrass and acting as a Facilitator for the Long Island Sound Eelgrass Collaborative.
Emily Watling
Research Technician for the LIS Eelgrass Collaborative & UCONN Graduate Student, located in Groton, CT. Emily’s areas of expertise are water quality, participatory science, monitoring, living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Rhode Island
Eric Schneider
RI Steering Committee Representative
Principal Marine Fisheries Biologist at RI DEM Division of Marine Fisheries, located in Jamestown, Rhode Island. Eric’s areas of expertise are restoration, participatory science, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, seagrass, fisheries management, habitat assessment and monitoring.
Courtney Schmidt
Staff Scientist at Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, located in Providence, RI. Courtney’s areas of expertise are water quality, monitoring, advocacy, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Thaïs M. Fournier
Eelgrass and Habitat Restoration Specialist at RI Division of Marine Fisheries located in Jamestown, RI. Thaïs’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, community science, monitoring, living shorelines, and seagrass.
Jill Carr
MA Steering Committee Representative
Coastal Data Scientist at Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership / UMass Boston School for the Environment, located in Boston, MA. Jill’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, community science, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Tay Evans
MA Steering Committee Representative
Wetlands Analyst/ Wetland and Seagrass Mapping at Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, located in Boston, MA. Tay’s areas of expertise are Restoration, monitoring, mitigation, living shorelines, aquaculture and SAV interactions, seagrass, and mapping.
Susan Bryant
Ecology Coach at Center for Student Coastal Research, located in Cohasset, MA. Susan’s areas of expertise are community science, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, seagrass, K-12, and video production.
Phil Colarusso
NH Steering Committee Representative
Marine Biologist at the Environmental Protection Agency Region I, located in Boston, MA. Phil’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, mitigation, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Alison Frye
Associate Director at Salem Sound Coastwatch/MassBays NEP located in Salem, MA. Alison’s areas of expertise are in restoration, community science, monitoring, living shorelines, and seagrass.
Emma Green-Beach
Executive Director & Shellfish Biologist at Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group, located in Oak Bluffs, MA. Emma’s areas of expertise are restoration and shellfish culture.
Jessica Griffin
Coastal Sustainability Postdoctoral Fellow at Northeastern University & The Nature Conservancy, located in Nahant, MA. Jessica’s areas of expertise are aquaculture and SAV interactions and seagrass.
Randall Hughes
Professor of Marine and Environmental Science / Associate Dean for Equity at Northeastern University, located in Nahant, MA. Randall’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, seagrass, and effects of genetic variation.
Alex Mansfield
Watershed Ecologist at North & South Rivers Watershed Association / MassBays NEP, located in Norwell, MA. Alex’s areas of expertise are in water quality, restoration, community science, monitoring, and aquaculture and SAV interactions.
Alley McConnell
Restoration Coordinator at Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group, located in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts. Alley's areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, community science, aquaculture and SAV interactions, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Agnes Mittermayr
Staff Scientist/Director at Center for Coastal Studies/SeagrassNet, located in Provincetown, MA. Agnes's areas of expertise are community science, monitoring, and seagrass.
Holly Plaisted
Biologist at the National Park Service, located in Wellfleet, MA. Holly’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, and seagrass.
Forest Schenck
Environmental Analyst at Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, located in Gloucester, MA. Forest’s areas of expertise are restoration, community science, monitoring, mitigation, and seagrass.
Diana Chin
Associate Research Scientist / MassBays NEP Metro Boston Regional Coordinator at Northeastern University located in Nahant, MA. Diana’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, seagrass, and plant-animal interactions.
New Hampshire
Phil Colarusso
NH Steering Committee Representative
Marine Biologist at the Environmental Protection Agency Region I, located in Boston, MA. Phil’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, mitigation, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Cynthia Hays
Professor at Keene State College, located in Keene, NH. Cynthia’s areas of expertise are seagrass, evolutionary ecology, and population genetics.
Trevor Mattera
Habitat Program Manager at Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership, located in Durham, NH. Trevor’s areas of expertise are water quality, restoration, monitoring, and seagrass.
Christopher Peter
Research Coordinator at Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, located in Greenland, NH. Christopher’s areas of expertise are restoration, monitoring, living shorelines, and Seagrass
Angie Dubois Brewer
ME Steering Committee Representative
Biologist III, Marine Unit Lead at Maine Department of Environmental Protection, located in Augusta, ME. Angie’s areas of expertise are water quality, monitoring, and seagrass.
Janelle Goeke
ME Steering Committee Representative
Staff Scientist at Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, located in Portland, ME. Janelle’s areas of expertise are monitoring, aquaculture and SAV interactions, freshwater SAV, brackish SAV, and seagrass.
Cheyenne Adams
Biologist II at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, located in Augusta, Maine. Cheyenne’s areas of expertise are water quality, aquaculture and SAV interactions, and seagrass.
Devin Domeyer
Coastal Resiliency Specialist at Maine Coastal Program located in Augusta, ME. Devin’s areas of expertise are in water quality, restoration, community science, mitigation, and living shorelines.
Helena Tatgenhorst
Coastal Nature-Based Solutions Strategist at The Nature Conservancy, located in Brunswick, ME. Helena’s areas of expertise are in restoration, advocacy, and seagrass.
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