MassSeagrass Group

MassSeagrass Group

The Massachusetts Seagrass Working Group (MassSeagrass Group) is a collaboration of conservationists, scientists and managers working on Zostera and Ruppia in Massachusetts. The group is made of members from government and non-government organizations, academic institutions, and private practitioners. We meet twice annually to discuss seagrass observations, provide member updates, form subgroups to tackle specific problems, and network with colleagues.

The MassSeagrass Group maintains a blog called SeagrassSoundings and recently created a community of practice forum: .

Contacts: For general questions about MassSeagrass Group, getting on our google group list and the SeagrassSoundings Blog Contact Tay Evans at

For more information on the Community of Practice page contact Jill Carr at

Meet the Group Members

MassSeagrass Group member organizations and their primary contacts:

A Sampling of Our Topics and Links:


Learn more about eelgrass as important habitat in Massachusetts

Fisheries Habitat Restoration and Monitoring |

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation – Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (

Restoration and Monitoring:

Eelgrass restoration and monitoring at Mass Division of Marine


DMF’s Eelgrass Restoration and Monitoring |

MassBays EcoHealth Tracking Tool 

iSeaGrass data collection app/participatory science protocol

SeagrassNet SeagrassNet | SeagrassNet is an expanding, worldwide ecological monitoring program that investigates and documents the status of seagrass resources and the threats to this important and imperilled marine ecosystem. Massachusetts (The DMF and NPS) monitors three SeagrassNet sites


Mass Department of Environmental Protection eelgrass mapping

MassDEP Eelgrass Mapping Project (Feature Service) | MassGIS Data Hub

MassGIS Data: MassDEP Eelgrass Mapping Project |

MassBays PSM Eelgrass mapping technical report and StoryMap


For the Love of Seagrass Video produced by Nedret Andre

Seagrass Inspired Art Nedret Andre - Abstract Artist in Boston’s

SoWa Design District