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2024 Coastal and Estuarine Summit hosted by Restore America’s Estuaries


Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) proudly presents the 2024 Coastal and Estuarine Summit in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF). This event will bring together the coastal restoration and management communities to explore issues, solutions, and lessons learned in their work. In the context of climate change, adaption, resilience and building inclusive coastal communities transcend our collective work, the Summit will address all aspects of coastal and estuarine restoration and management, including the Great Lakes and international locales. These topics are crucial as coastal communities pursue new, more robust strategies to manage, protect, and restore their resources in a changing climate and the need to support all community members.

ABOUT RESTORE AMERICA’S ESTUARIES RAE is a nonprofit dedicated to the protection and restoration of bays and estuaries as essential resources for our nation. RAE is a leader in blue carbon, living shorelines, national advocacy, and a wide variety of coastal restoration issues. The ten RAE member organizations are leaders in regional efforts around the country to restore bays, estuaries, and coasts. They are:

• American Littoral Society

• North Carolina Coastal Federation

• Chesapeake Bay Foundation

• Save The Bay – Narragansett Bay

• Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana

• Save The Bay – San Francisco Bay

• EarthCorps

• Save the Sound

• Galveston Bay Foundation

• Tampa Bay Watch

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Proposals are due March 15, 2024.

Proposals should fit into one of these types:

• Dedicated Session – Session chairs should propose 5 presenters in a 90-minute session. Dedicated sessions must include multiple viewpoints, diverse organizations and inclusive representation of stakeholders. Submissions must be made by the session chair and must identify proposed presenters. Session chairs may propose themselves as one of the presenters, although the preference is for five presenters in addition to the chair.

• Alternative Format Session – We encourage dynamic, creative, and interactive 90-minute events in other formats. Examples include but are not limited to: “lightning” rounds with more than 5 presenters; panel discussions, debate or “poetry slam” style interactions; crowdsource solutions; fail fests; workshops; artistic or cultural presentations; or semi-permanent art installations.

• Single Presentation – Propose one 15-minute presentation within one of the Summit focus areas. The Program Committee will organize selected presentations into cohesive 90-minute concurrent sessions and assign session moderators. If you would like to propose more than one presentation, you must submit each proposal separately.

• Poster – Posters will be displayed throughout the Summit, with dedicated time for poster presenters to interact with participants. To the degree possible, posters will be displayed by focus area. If you would like to submit more than one poster, you must submit each proposal separately. Please note that only one poster per presenter will be accepted. In all formats, we encourage participation from underrepresented perspectives, early career professional, and student proposals. Dedicated sessions are strongly encouraged.

March 19

Plants Get Sick Too: Monitoring Seagrass Wasting Disease in a Changing Climate