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Steering Committee Meeting

Fall East Coast SAV Collaborative Steering Committee:
The meeting minutes from the August Quarterly meeting have been posted to the website and a summary document based on our Sentinel Site conversation will be circulated.  In preparation for our November virtual Quarterly meeting (date/time TBD during our Steering Committee meeting), please reply with your priority selection for the next topic: 

1) Aquaculture & SAV

2) Living Shorelines

3) Restoration beyond Zostera. We will discuss and select our next quarterly meeting topic during our Steering Committee Meeting, Thursday, Sept 21 at 1pm (Zoom link below).

Save the Date! The EC SAV Collaborative have coordinated a Happy Hour during CERF, Wed Nov 15 5pm, location TBD.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

July 26

Quarterly Meeting - SAV Sentinel Sites

November 13

CERF Happy Hour