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Quarterly Meeting - SAV & Aquaculture

10:00am Welcome, Announcements, & Meeting Goals

10:15am Jill Carr, Aquaculture & SAV Restoration

10:30am Erin Shields, Aquaculture Gear & SAV

10:45am Questions

11:00am Charlie Deaton, NC Regulations Perspective

11:15am Zach Gordon, NOAA Northeast Regional Aquaculture Liaison Perspective

11:30am Break & Poll for next meeting topic (2 options: Nature-Based Solutions on SAV & Mitigation)

11:45am Panel Discussion

12:15pm Fall 2024: Aquaculture - SAV Joint Meeting Planning Discussion

One of the EC-SAV Collaborative goals is to host an in-person event each year which focuses on a topic of interest to the members while also providing an opportunity for engaged learning and concrete takeaways. Last year, in collaboration with Old Dominion University, we hosted a two-day mapping workshop utilizing PlanetScope. This year, we are proposing a joint aquaculture and SAV meeting, inviting both aquaculture industry, regulatory, and stakeholder participants as well as our EC-SAV Collaborative membership. This time in the agenda will be spent discussing the vision for this meeting and inviting anyone interested to join a planning committee.

12:45pm Partner Updates

1:00pm Adjournment

March 11

Steering Committee Meeting

June 12

LIS Eelgrass Collaborative Workshop